Elite Turf Management

Floratine Northwest Inc. is dedicated to the creation and management of elite turfgrass. In sport there are athletes and elite athletes who got to the world stage using specially designed training techniques, where they compete at the highest level. This generation of Golf Course Superintendents are training an elite athlete in the management of their turfgrass today, always under stress to be the best... everyday is a game day!

Revolutionary Technology

Floratine Northwest Inc. has revolutionary nutrient delivery technology for both foliar and soil situations. This unique and strategic approach, combined with our proven agronomic management system, where we provide products formulated with elite raw materials, has been successful for over 25 years and now, in over 40 countries worldwide.

We work with our customers using plans specifically crafted to include soil science, plant science and educational seminars to produce elite turfgrass and to advance our turfgrass knowledge.

Our company and field consultants have the same goals as you the superintendent - the strongest plants grown in an environmentally responsible manner using the highest quality products. We are former superintendents dedicated to your success as elite turfgrass managers.

Rooted in Science

There is a long list of sales reps, with many products, making many claims. Be sure to always ask for published university research data and you will be surprised how short the list becomes.

Your professional reputation and livelihood depends on these products, and that is why Floratine has been “Rooted in Science” for over 25 years.